Insight Me Consulting Inc


Resilience in Difficult Times

Resilience and Emotion Self-Regulation

Our emotions infuse life with a rich texture and transform our conscious experience into a meaningful living experience. Emotions determine what we care about and what motivates us. They connect us to others and give us the courage to do what needs to be done, to appreciate our successes, to protect and support the people we love and have compassion and kindness for those who are in need of our help. Emotions are also what allow us to experience the pain and grief of loss. Without emotions, life would lack meaning and purpose.

Emotions and resilience are closely related because emotions are the primary drivers of many key physiological processes involved in energy regulation. We define resilience as the capacity to prepare for, recover from, and adapt in the face of stress, adversity, trauma or challenge. Therefore, it follows that a key to sustaining good health, optimal function, and resilience is the ability to manage one’s emotions.

It has been suggested that resilience should be considered as a state rather than a trait and that a person’s resilience can vary over time as demands, circumstances, and level of maturity change.In our resilience training programs, we suggest that the ability to build and sustain resilience is related to self-management and efficient utilization of energy resources across four domains: physicalemotionalmental, and spiritual.

Physical resilience is basically reflected in physical flexibility, endurance, and strength, while emotional resilience is reflected in the ability to self-regulate, degree of emotional flexibility, positive outlook, and supportive relationships. Mental resilience is reflected in the ability to sustain focus and attention, mental flexibility, and the capacity for integrating multiple points of view. Spiritual resilience is typically associated with commitment to core values, intuition, and tolerance of others’ values and beliefs.

Our Programs can help you to manage your resilience and connect with positive emotions.

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Kiria CoraInsight Me Consulting